Casualties of Media Warfare

A recurring theme in my talks with Occupy Portland participants has been the “media war”. Consider Jason Parker collateral damage. Parker was arrested a couple of weeks ago at the encampment for allegedly pulling a gun on protesters during an argument. According to the news reports, he pulled the gun after protesters challenged him forContinue reading “Casualties of Media Warfare”

Offensive Halloween Costume Ideas: Why Should White People Have All the Fun?

Racist costumes have become a hallmark of Halloween, especially on college campuses. Not long ago, I even remember running across an “Crips and Bloods Party” in my Facebook news feed. Students at Ohio University have chosen to start a campaign with posters saying, “This is not who I am and it is not okay.” However,Continue reading “Offensive Halloween Costume Ideas: Why Should White People Have All the Fun?”

Unreleased: Assassination and We Cheered

Author’s note: I originally wrote this following the killing of Osama bin Laden. Since, we’ve seen the assassinations of many others, including Anwar al-Awlaki, his 16 year old son and most recently Muammar Gaddafi. I find it interesting that so many in the US cheered on the images of Gaddafi’s bloody corpse not even aContinue reading “Unreleased: Assassination and We Cheered”

Recap of the Teaching with Purpose Conference 2011

Check out my recap of the Teaching with Purpose Conference 2011. If you’re in the Portland area, and an educator, parent, community member or simply a person, try and attend next year. Don’t miss out on the innovations that could revolutionize education. Education Expert Augusta Mann: Black Students Need the Five R’s.

The 66 Percent

Protesters in the Occupy movement have chanted they are the “99%” but it’s hard to ignore the fact that the majority of protesters are white. Many wonder why more people of color aren’t showing up to the protests, considering the disproportionate effect the financial crisis has had on them. In the case of Portland, lookContinue reading “The 66 Percent”

Black + Math = Revolution

I like to think I started putting limitations on my dreams when I quit playing basketball before my senior year of high school. Truth be told, I built a ceiling for myself months earlier when I got Ds in both Physics and Pre-Calculus. I wasn’t necessarily a superstar in math and science but I wasContinue reading “Black + Math = Revolution”