Snitch: Informants, Cooperators and the Corruption of Justice

Troy Davis is scheduled to be executed tomorrow at 7 pm. He was denied clemency today in what may go down as yet another case of police corruption. Davis was convicted for the killing of a police officer but he maintains his innocence. Despite several witnesses recanting their stories, Davis is still set to die.Continue reading “Snitch: Informants, Cooperators and the Corruption of Justice”

Punk Police

Just for fun, I Twitter searched “portland police” yesterday afternoon. People were buzzing over the police surrounding a man locked in a bathroom who allegedly had a gun. Mayor Sam Adams was even praising the Portland Police Department for their great service. When I looked up the story later in the night, it turned outContinue reading “Punk Police”

Mr. Nigga

You ever get hit with the “nice” racism? Call it offensive with a smile. I was visiting a meeting for a group in Lake Oswego, which I won’t name, and I introduced myself to one member who, ironically, was named Bruce. He was white. We shared a quick laugh about the coincidence and then heContinue reading “Mr. Nigga”

I’ma Teach Ya How to Sell Dope

Before college I thought of Adderall as something kids used to spice up their nose candy collection rather than an ADHD medicine. One evening my sophomore year, a friend hit me up saying she needed to get Adderall but didn’t want to walk to get it alone. It was around 2 am and I wasContinue reading “I’ma Teach Ya How to Sell Dope”

Why Can’t They Investigate Malcolm X’s Murder?

According to a blurb on The Root, the Justice Department has decided it won’t investigate the controversial murder of Malcolm X. Affidavits have implicated four men besides the three that were arrested, and out of those three, two are widely suspected of being set up. Many suspect the FBI and local police at least knewContinue reading “Why Can’t They Investigate Malcolm X’s Murder?”